STORM WARNING; before the spill

[… …]
there’s a storm in the air that won’t come true
this is not the time to give way to anger
or jealousy. Some are tempered to stay sharp
or bend when they’d rather heat up and break
the glass. Around here the big black birds
whose wings are iridescent blue and purple as
Jeremiah’s messengers
are quick to pass over our clearing
when crackle in the air breaks an afternoon
or some rumble finds space to stretch
between you and
i practice love judo
i learn to practice self-sacrifice.
The birds cannot find their voice.
The wind searches for words.
Nothing changes but the Tao.
Long inhalation.

NOTE: On April 11, 1996, three railroad tankers derailed just west of Alberton, Montana.  At the time it was the largest release of toxic material, over 23,000 gallons of liquid elemental chlorine and a filthy mix of oil waste, ever to occur in the United States.  It changed the lives of the people of Alberton.  Imagine, if you will, how the sudden oil development in North Dakota has destroyed the tranquil lives of the people there.

Parris ja Young
Sanctuary Sylvan
Spring, 1996